In Baltimore, a growing chorus of prosecutors is declaring “No!” to pot convictions. This year, 12 convictions have been cleared from public records and 219 requests have been filed. These pro-legalization prosecutors are saying no to marijuana cases because of the consequences of a marijuana conviction. For example, a pot conviction can cost you your job, and can prevent you from receiving federal benefits, including Medicaid, Social Security, and TANF. A criminal record can also make it difficult to find housing or employment.
This new rule will apply only to misdemeanor marijuana convictions, which are often linked to African American defendants. In Baltimore, Marilyn Mosby, a powerful prosecutor, said she would not prosecute a marijuana case if the amount was under 100 grams. She also pledged not to prosecute anyone convicted of drug possession with the intent to distribute. Her decision was welcomed by advocates of decriminalization. With a growing chorus of big city prosecutors saying no to marijuana convictions, it’s clear that marijuana prohibition isn’t going anywhere.
In New Hampshire, the legislature enacted House Bill 399, which allows a person who has been convicted of cannabis possession to file a petition for annulment. The prosecuting attorney must approve the petition. In Nevada, Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently revoked Obama-era rules prohibiting marijuana convictions. These changes mean that federal prosecutors are free to make their own decisions regarding the marijuana laws.
These changes have triggered a controversy in the marijuana law. In July, a committee of NCSL prosecutors called for a policy resolution that urged prosecutors to drop marijuana possession cases regardless of their quantity. The move to drop the drug from criminal records is welcome news, but the move may also be unwise. A growing chorus of prosecutors in the Big Cities is saying no to marijuana convictions.
A growing chorus of Big City Prosecutors is calling for a complete overhaul of the federal law. The federal government has not classified marijuana as a dangerous drug, but it considers it a Schedule I substance, which has a higher potential for abuse. Moreover, a new law has imposed penalties that may not be appropriate for everyone.
Some states have taken steps to prevent the prosecution of marijuana users. The federal government has a policy of allowing local legal marijuana use, though the federal government does not regulate the activity on federal land. The state’s laws are also enforcing the laws that apply to domestic cannabis. The state’s legislation may even include regulations on the sale and consumption of marijuana.
The federal government prohibits marijuana and classifies it as a Schedule I drug. While it has a low risk of abuse, the federal government considers marijuana a ‘high-risk’ drug. Despite its stigma, the federal government does not recognize it as a legitimate drug. A growing chorus of Big City Prosecutors are saying No to Marijuana convictions, which can result in criminal convictions.
Stopping marijuana prosecutions will not only improve the police-citizen relationship, but will also help communities avoid a racial legacy of incarceration. While letting marijuana best girl scout cookies seeds convictions go in favor of more serious crimes will be a boon to society, the average cannabis consumer no longer fears a police investigation. It is not, however, legalized.
The Commerce Clause of the Constitution gives Congress the power to regulate certain activities in local communities. Consequently, there is no way to change the federal classification of marijuana as a Class I controlled substance. Furthermore, the state’s laws don’t prevent people from using the drug in their jobs. Likewise, state laws cannot prohibit marijuana possessions if they are done in the public interest.